28 is Just a Number, Right? Right?!

Late 20s can be a bitch. And if 30s is not better, I swear, I will Benjamin Button my life and go back to school. I am still figuring out how, but believe me, I’d rather figure that out than deal with something more annoying than late 20s. 

Here’s my train of thought. Ever since your brain develops when you’re a scrawny teenager, the brain keeps you believing that it always gets better. In my high school life, I believed college would be when I peaked. When it came to college, I realised when I am actually working and practicing all that I learn, I will peak. Today, my train of thought remains at does anyone ever figure anything out? 

If I was in my early 20s, here’s all that I would say to myself to be prepped and ready for. 

– A stupidly slowing metabolism along with a possibly slowing motivation to do something about that slowing metabolism. (But do workout, it’ll keep you sane.) 

– An increasingly lower tolerance for all things bullshit. No one likes things straightforward like a person in their (almost) 30s. 

– The world is a weird place. Keep your close ones really close. No one really has enemies but ghost anyone who pisses you off on a regular basis. You don’t need that kind of energy. 

– A love of gossip and drama, outside of your own life. Trust me, your life is going to be boring. You will want masala from somewhere. Choose between trashy shows or becoming friends with GenZ kids. 

– Try your absolute best to hold on to certain hobbies. It’ll save your life, more than once. Sanity comes from choosing to do something, other than overthinking and over working. 

– Your idea of romance, love, friendship, soulmates, family, people, vacations, work, dedication, care, and everything else on Earth will change. Nothing remains the same. Evolve, adapt, let go. 

– Find joy in little things. Hold your ground, but don’t be rigid. Live in the moment. Don’t give in to the pressure. Prioritise. And never forget that you’re just a babyyy, but in an adult body. Treat yourself with love. 

So here’s to our late 20s. May we survive it, may we thrive through it. 30s are around the corner and we all know I’m figuring out things if it doesn’t get better. So, send Brad Pitt’s number if you can. For reasearch, of course. 


The Barely-adulting Blabberer.

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